Writing is scary.
Yes. Writing is terrifying and frightening. And it's both awful and amazing for those reasons. It scares the hell out of us but yet it's so thrilling. At some point, it makes us find courage to get used to it and embrance it. Not fight it, but embrace it. Because the fear of writing is powerful, both for good and... Well, you know what I mean.
At writing, we all feel terrifiedd at least once. Maybe while facing a deadly blank page or by doubtfully writing a scene that might not work out. Either way, we're all scared at some point. What if my novel isn't good enough? What if I'm not good enough? What if, what if, what if. We all wonder because we're human. And wondering is just fine. It really is. If we didn't wonder, we'd never truly know.

Whenever I find myself asking that question, I say this quote by Libba Bray out loud: "Write like it matters, and it will." Then, I add, "Because it does."
Write like it matters, and it will. BECAUSE IT DOES.
To whom? Who cares?! To you, to your friends and family, to the world, to someone out there. There's always someone who'll care, because that's how things work. But if the entire universe still doesn't care, please don't freak out. Because it still matters to you. And there's nothing more powerful than that.
Of course I'm no expert. I'm not a published author -- yet, I'd like to believe -- and i'm no writing god.. So there's also that. Though I think no one is an expert in this kind of thing and there's no such thing as a writing god. There's only us and words. Words matter and you matter. That's enough for the entire universe, trust me.
So, yes, writing is scary. It bites and yells and scratches. But it's absolutely worth it. It's worth every second. Even when you're freaking out and lost and your own novel seems to be about to devour you, it'll be worth it. In the end, it will.
Because if you're scared to write a novel and you're still doing it, it's because you know the feeling, or your about to. Freaking out without knowing the words or the right decisions.... It sucks indeed. But there's also this feeling... this feeling that no one in the world can describe. And it feels amazing. After fear comes the exciting of it, when everything seems possible. Maybe it is.
Writing is terrifying and I believe that's exactly the reason why you should do it.
You have a story to tell.
And its worth it.
If you ever doubt that, pelase get rid off that thought, because your work is absolutely and completely worth it.
Because it matters.
Yay! I CAN FINALLY ACTUALLY COMMENT. I found your blog when you first posted, but the comment form wasn't available.
ReplyDeleteCAN THIS BE PREACHED FROM THE ROOFTOPS??? Sorry if my usage of caps and excessive punctuation freaks you out, but I feel this post so much. Writing is so important. People used to tell me to shut up and not say anything at all but the feeling-- the need to express for communication-- is so much overpowering then all of the nights of banging our heads into our notebook or laptop thinking, "GAhhh!"
Never stop writing, Arya. <3
xoxo Abigail Lennah | ups & downs
Hi !! Yup, I had some problems with the comment box! Idk why it simply disappeared!! Anyway, i finally got it to pop up so that u can comment !!
Never stop writing either, Abigail !!
This is so beautiful and true! Every single word we writes matters, absolutely, even the ones we don't like, because each one helps us to grow as a person and as a writer. <3 Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteAAAWWW THANKS !!! <3
DeleteExactly!! <3
Thanks FOR READING!! It means a lot! Glad you enjoyed!